
Wishes do come true only when you work at growing your business with dedication to helping others. What a wonderful way to earn an income! You just have to be willing and want to share with everyone. Who are you going to meet today while out and about preparing for the holidays? What are you willing to do to step out of your comfort zone? When are you going to make the decision that... you DESERVE (Dreams, Experiences, Success, Energy , Value ,and Enjoyment) from your business)!  Why wait until tomorrow? If not now, when? Wave good -bye to any fears and watch your business thrive! Speaking of waves, don't forget to ask me about the 3 day training cruise we are doing on 2/24 for 3 days! Message me and I will send you the details


I want to remind you to focus on your goals and have the determination, deep in your hearts, to believe in your abilities to make your goals a reality. If you are not already a “goal-setter,” I encourage you to get into the goal-setting habit as we approach 2012.  Begin by setting a goal you want to accomplish today.  You will feel great when you end your day knowing you reached your goal!


Do you feel like the weeks are flying by, leading you to wonder,  “What did I accomplish this week?”  Take some time to write down what you do each day and you will be amazed how much time you spend thinking about your business versus really working at building your business.   Keep in mind that having your own business allows you flexibility, which gives you a choice as to when to work not “if”.


There is a tendency to coach players to the position you would like to see them play on your team, versus the positions they are actually showing up to practice for.

For example, is your hostess excited about a $1,000 party?

Is she willing to do what it takes to reach that goal?

Did you even let her know that was an opportunity she could enjoy?

Have you said to a new consultant that you are always looking for people who would like to take a step right into leadership in the company?

Have you asked an existing consultant, "What would you like your business to do for you and your family in the new year?"

It is impossible to coach someone who has not made the decision even to play. It can be very frustrating to want success for a player who hasn't made the decision to be successful. It is like coaching a spectator in the bleachers.


“When your heart speaks, take good notes”, is something I heard someone say before and feel is so true.  I really believe that when you dedicate your business to helping others, you are on the way to so many successes as well as so many good feelings.  You will know when you are sharing and focusing on others and not yourself. You will not change how you feel about sharing with the next person.  When you share, it is important not to pre-judge or leave anyone out.  Decide, “I will be happy when I am sharing no matter what anyone says to me.


The end of the year is quickly approaching. I hope instead of just thinking "This is the end of the year." you are thinking "Wow! This is just the beginning." What you do in December is the key to the start of your new year. It's time to re-recruit yourself!


I just received the nicest email. They were thanking me for calling and saying Happy Holidays. They said, " I loved that you asked how can I help you with your goals? " Then they said , "It felt so good getting a call like that from you, I decided to get on the phone and do the same thing with my customers and ask them , how can I help them now and in the new year? It felt great making the calls. I would never have done it if you had not called me."

I appreciate all the emails I get. Hope this one helps you decide to pick up the phone and start dialing too. Are you ready to pick up the phone and do the same with your customers?


“Your current safe boundaries were once unknown frontiers” Author Unknown

Are you ready to choose the roads you are going to take this week?  You are in the driver’s seat.    Are you ready to do new things?  Determination and desire will lead to the type of journey you experience during this weeks travels.  As you, travel through your week be sure to:

Work and treat your business as just that a business-not a hobby.  Hobbies you do when you get around to them.  When you have your own business, you can decide when to work but it should not be a decision if to work.  Do you avoid doing things you are uncomfortable doing?  Make a decision to do three things you are uncomfortable doing and feel so excited you stepped out of your comfort zone.

Be the kind of person you would want helping you.   Be ready to say, “May I help you?”  Help them to feel valued whether they want your help or not.  Spend this week focusing on helping as many people as you can to feel good!

Do not be a “wannabe”!  Do you say, “I will try to see if this will work” or do you say, “I am going to find a way to make it work”? Do you say, “When it happens, it will happen" or do you say, “I will make it happen”?

Do you say, “I’ll start tomorrow” or do you say, “I can’t wait to get started right away”?


Who is ready to make the decision to share their business? Forget any hesitations when it comes to sharing about your business. Don't let fear or doubt keep you from offering to help others.  It’s not about you; it’s about sharing the opportunity to make their life better.


What thoughts come to your mind when you hear the word recruiting? Are you looking for consultants and hostesses?

There  are  people looking for ways to add additional income to their family budget.  There are people who love entertaining their friends and enjoy receiving free products.

Recruiting is about helping people feel wanted, cared about and valued whether they choose to say “yes” or “no” to what you are offering them.

Have you ever had the experience of being recruited outside your business? How did it feel?


"Promise me you will always remember you are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
Christopher Robins

I love this quote! I put it in this week's newsletter. I hope you will remember these words as you decide what you are doing today which will help you blast off in your business in 2012.


I love this quote by John Maxwell,"People and rubber bands have one thing in common: they must be stretched to be effective". What are you going to do today to stretch?  Remember, a limit on what you will do, puts a limit on what you can do. 


What can you do today to meet three new people to share your business with? Sharing is offering and caring is being happy with whatever they choose to say. Knowing you can be happy with whatever they choose to say is the key to success. And the good news is that you are totally in control of that thought. Hearing someone say, "no thank you", will never keep you from success, not wanting to hear a no will.


What are you going to do today that will really make you feel good about growing your business? Ask your family at the dinner table tonight to share what they did at school, work, to feel good about too.


Tip 31

What kind of history are you creating in your business? What are you doing that people can learn from by watching you?  Make a decision to work for success and not wish and hope for success.  What are you going to do today to get you one step closer to the business you want to create in 2012?


Tip 32

Who is building a business with young children at home?  Phone time is fun time can be helpful at your house.  Here is how it works.  Find something fun  for the kids to do when you are on the phone.  Then tell them it is "Phone time is Fun Time".  Dial until you reach one person and then say, "Great job helping mom! What do you want to do with me now?"  Then every 3 hours do it again.  Your kids will love it and your business will grow.  I would declare bubble's day at our house.  Every time I was on the phone, they blew bubbles on a drop cloth near me.  The key is to stop after one completed call and then do something with them and then let them go back to the activity the next time you are making your next call.  This time of year (again on a drop cloth), they could make wrapping paper for the holiday gifts.  Even a real little one could enjoy it.  Printers have big rolls of paper.
Let's make today a Phone Time is Fun Time sharing tips day.  Share activities children could do right alongside you. 


Tip 33

Think about 5 people you would love to have on your team. Then pick up the phone and tell them that. They will feel special whether they are interested or not. Also, let's have some fun today. If you could pick a famous person (from the present or past) who would you invite to be on your team?

I would call Oprah! She is someone who has overcome challenges, has a big heart and can talk to anyone.


Tip 34

Today is the day to do something for your business that you have always thought about doing and have not done it yet. Say to yourself, "Today's the day, I am going to..."  What could that be for you?  Maybe it is..., invite everyone you talk to join you in starting a business or plan an open house, mystery hostess, get your January calendar booked, make the calls you have been putting off.  Deciding you will do it and not just thinking about what you want to do can make such a difference in your business.

I did something just a few weeks ago that I had thought about and had not taken any action to do it. I announced my training cruise in February. I have always believed cruises were a great place for a seminar, retreat and relaxation at the same time.  My theme for 2012 DESERVE (Dreams, Experiences,Success, Energy, Rewards, Value and Enjoyment) is a perfect theme for different types of training. I love cruising and thought how can I do it more often and still do lots of training to help people. Then I thought I can train in a hotel for all my trainings or I can have the ocean as a seminar location once in a while.  I decided, OK, I will call some cruising companies and see how that can happen.  It happened!  I know many of you are excited about it.  Please call 702-673-0361 for more information or message me and I will send you a flyer.


Tip 35

We have so many ways to help our customers feel special. Who are you going to call today to say Happy Holidays? Have you scheduled an open house or mystery hostess event? Have one scheduled so that you can invite people when making your calls in case they are not interested in hosting. Don't forget to do an OHPRA call. Who knows what OHPRA stands for?


Tip 36

We have had some wonderful family time! We are about to go meet friends that we met on a cruise a couple years ago. It is so nice to get to see them when we are in PA. I always love to share at my seminars that when you are out and about sharing, you may meet new friends, and they do not always have to be someone who does something to grow your business. It can and will be the same for you as you enjoy the rest of the weekend sharing along the way. I can remember sharing with Saundra that I had my own business helping people to feel comfortable sharing their business. She is a teacher and said that is an important thing to do. I suggested she look into starting her own business too. I always suggest that people look at the companies that are out there and choose something they would have a passion for. I know that when you are in the sharing spirit you can enjoy sharing everywhere with everyone too. So today's tip is to be an equal opportunity sharer.


Tip 37

Today is the day where serious shopping is going on...How can you help people enjoy this activity? What are you going to do to let people know you are open for business too? Why will people want to shop with you you? How are you letting people know that you have openings in your business, knowing people are looking for work everywhere? I love this time of year! I make it a goal to call as many people as I can who receive my newsletter to say happy holidays! I love having the opportunity to connect with everyone. Are you ready to call your customers and wish them a happy holidays too?


Tip #38

We are about to have 4 generations together for the holidays! I feel so blessed! Today,  I plan to help the youngest generation do video interviews of the oldest generation. It is going to be fun. I told the kids they can ask all kinds of questions...who knows what we will find out today. Have a blessed, safe, happy Thanksgiving! So tip #38 is choose to be happy and enjoy the special times you have with family and friends.


Tip #39

Everyone is busy getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving.  Think about how the pilgrims felt as they celebrated their first Thanksgiving.  Then think about what everyone must have gone through to get to that point.  We are so glad that fear and uncomfortable feelings did not get in their way.  What are you prepared to do even if you are uncomfortable or feel fear to better your life and others?  Then imagine the celebration you will have celebrating your success in 2012.  Remember that you can DESERVE success when you have Dreams that lead to Experiences, Success, Energy, Rewards, and Enjoyment.


Countdown tip 40

And now it is time for countdown tip 40 and thought to launch the new year!   I am really working at being able to walk for longer periods of time.  Bob purchased a pedometer for me yesterday.  It is so nice not wondering anymore if I am increasing my daily steps.  I have something to show me whether I am or not. I also have a 9 year old cheerleader who was checking it throughout the day and encouraging me.   I am not with him today but I decided  that I will be able to tell him every day that I am reaching my goal. I got up early, got on the treadmill and walked for 20 minutes.  Even though I have a lot of pain, it still feels great!  How many of you know what I mean?  What are you going to do today to strengthen your business that might be uncomfortable but you know it will feel so good after you do it.  As far as a pedometer, we have the perfect pedometer for your business. Message me if you would like more information about it.


Tip #41

It is so nice that we all share something in common. We all want to help people. Keep in mind when someone does not want your help, your passion and dedication to helping others will fuel you to find someone who would like your help..... starting a new business..... earning products for free..... enjoying your products. Do something fun today and then share in all the natural situations that occur as you are doing it. Sharing is offering and caring is being happy with whatever they choose to say, yes or no. And after all your goal today is to have fun, and that should happen whether someone says yes or no to you. I am off today to spend some time with 3 special little people in my life. And I know that there are so many times when I am with them that I end up in so many natural conversation situations. And even when I am not with them, wow, there are plenty of times I meet people while just out and about. You can do...So tip #41 Have some fun today! Enjoy your Sunday! Share!


42 days and counting to ready, set, go, for 2012!

 Think of these days as preparing for a 5k.  It takes time to get in shape.  And even when you are in shape you need to keep in shape for the day of the race!  What are you doing to get your business in the shape for 2012?  I believe that knowing your 3 P's starts the process-  Purpose, Passion , and Plan for your business. Spend some time today thinking about the purposes for your business-a tangible purpose-what are you going to do with the money you earn? Personal growth purpose--what new skill do you want to develop, become more confident doing?  Enhancing the lives of others purpose---how will you do that with your business- for both family and others?  Don't forget to message, post or comment for our CDs give away countdown to 2012.


We just finished the ABC's of Attitude thoughts and now it is time for 43 tips to launch the new year!  I want to be sure that we keep the momentum going as we all prepare to launch the new year!  This will not be the Casey Kasem's top 40.  In this case it will be the the top 43 tips to launch the new year!

It is going to be Ilene's 43 tips for making every day a sharing day as we slide right into the new year.  Just imagine an umpire yelling, "Safe" as you slide in to the new year. You will be safe to know your Dreams will come true in 2012. What you do in the next 43 days will lead you to an incredible start in 2012.  I want you to feel you DESERVE success so that your Dreams for 2012 will lead to Experiences, Success, Energy, Rewards, Value, and Enjoyment.  I want to help make it fun!  We will be picking weekly winners from people who take the time to post and SHARE!  We will be giving away lots of CDs.   OK, are you ready?

Number 43- Call 5 hostesses and say,  " I want to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving and I also want to thank you for being one of my past hostesses. I really appreciate your help with helping me introduce my business to others.  Thank you for that.  One of the things I love to do  (or say looking forward to doing-if you have not done it yet) is help others start home-based businesses too.  Have you ever thought about doing something alongside your family and other activities to earn extra income?"  

Ok, one, two three go!  Dial and smile even if you don't have a dial! Be sure to post and let us know that you are up for the challenge.  Each week we will have the numbers pre selected of which posts we will award the prizes.  The more you post and share each week, the more chances you have to win.  It works the same way when you are sharing your business.  The more you share the more opportunities to find people you can help.  Have you ever thought about the word opportunity?  Do you see the word OR in it?  When we offer an opportunity you give people the chance to say yes OR no.


It's letter Z Day

It is our last letter for Attitude Alphabet.  Thanks for all your nice messages and posts each day.  I am really working on answering each message personally! Since it is Z today--Zippity doo dah, zippity day, my oh my what a wonderful day!  Plenty of ______ ( who remembers this song) heading my way!  Besides what is heading our way as stated in the song, what else is going to be heading your way in 2012 as a result of a successful business?  I know that you can be the best sharer about your business ever and there will be so much heading your way!   Could it be a new leadership title, helping develop new leaders, incentive trips, prizes from your company, attending national convention, packing up for the 2/24 cruising to success training (you don't want to miss sun and training in February, do you...on a cruise with lots of business builders from all over the country and me?), more income to give you and your family more choices for 2012, and the wonderful feeling you will have because you have learned how to DESERVE-- Dreams, Experiences, Success, Energy, Rewards, Value, Enjoyment ---everything heading your way. Your Zest for your business will give you the rest!

Who is ready to share with all our closest FB friends?  I am looking forward to reading your posts about what is heading your way.  Don't be shy!  Shout it from the roof tops (or FB).   Can't wait to hear from you!
I am so excited about my theme for 2012 seminars!  I hope you will message me to get more information about how I can visit your team. We have developed programs for the smallest teams to the largest teams.  


It is Y day!

Your business can be like a yo-yo!   You can control the ups and downs more than you know. It starts with being happy hearing a yes and even a no!  Do you only want to talk to people who say Yes?  Or do You want to be an equal opportunity sharer and see more ups than downs in your business.  Remember all the games from our Youth!  We loved hide and go seek.  We could have fun looking for people because of one word. Belief!  We believed that the person had to be there and that is why we had fun looking for them. You can do that again when looking for people who will want to say, "Yes , thank you tell me more."  In our Youth we could ask friends to come out and play, and if one friend could not come out and play, we would ask another. Yesterday's play will help you with today's yearning for success!  We all know that there is an unanswered question that we are still searching  for an answer....Which came first the chicken or the egg (Yolk)?  We know what is needed first for success.....Sharing in case someone wants to say Yes!  Hearing someone say No thank you will never keep you from success.  Not wanting to hear a no will.  Which comes first sharing with everyone, wanting to be there to help others or success?


Letter X

Ok, X is a Iittle tricky!  Time for an Xray of your business! There are a lot of parts that need to be working!  It is an eXcellent time for planning 2012.  There are so many eXtra things you can do to make sure you have an eXtraordinary business.   Are you setting the best eXample of how important it is to share something someone might like to know about too?

Are you giving people the opportunity to eXpress whether they are interested or do you make decisions for others?  Who knows what cruise line has an X as part of it's logo?  We happen to be on the ship today.  It is a coincidence! We are so eXcited about how we are meeting so many people to share that we do trainings on land and sea!  Don't forget to mark your calendar for our 2/24 cruising to success training.  Who can  you share with today while doing an activity you love to do?  EXercise your sharing muscle.  And Yes, Steph and Mike, I am walking around the ship getting ready for my big walk in May.


It is W day!

Wishes do come true When you Work at growing your business with dedication to helping others.  What a Wonderful Way to earn an income! You just have to be Willing and Want to share with everyone.   Who are you going to meet today? What are you Willing to do to step out of your comfort zone? Where are you going to today to meet someone new? When are you going to make the decision that you DESERVE (Dreams, Experiences, Success, Energy , Value ,and Enjoyment) from your business)!Why Wait until tomorrow?  If not now, When? Wave good -bye to any fears and Watch your business thrive!  Speaking of Waves, I am about to leave on a 5 day cruise to Work on our plans for the first cruising to success training.  I would love to see you join us 2/24! 


Letter V day

It is interesting that today we are on the letter V and it is Veteran's Day. Thank you to all the Veterans!  Think about how many lives they have added Value to as result of their courage and dedication. I am giving all of you my Vote of confidence that you too have the courage to stand up tall and have courage to add Value to your life and everyone's lives around you.  Enjoy the personal Victory of the feelings of helping others as you step out of your comfort zone! Venture out today and meet new people!  Join us on our cruising to success trip.  We want you to feel like a VIP and see a View of your business that you have never seen before.  Working alongside family and other activities can be happening while you join us on a Vacation training trip that will help you see that the Various activities that you enjoy in life will lead you to meeting a Variety of people you can share your business with!


It's U day!

Are you ready for an Unbelievable year in 2012?  What would have to happen to make it the best year ever? What you do today will lead to results you want to achieve tomorrow and the next day! Unite with others and help everyone know that having your own business is the best profession! Are you Using your sharing skills that we develop starting as young children? It is time to take your business Up, Up, and away!  Ask people to join US as fellow entrepreneurs!  It is often unclear to others that there are so many choices out there when it comes to building a business.    Unite with others in this profession to help the people who could really Use extra income, personal growth, great friends and more.  


It is letter T day!

There are so many Terrific benefits when you have your own business. It is Time to Thrive and not just survive! Your own Thoughts are the only thing that you are Totally in control of! Choose to Think positive Thoughts. Choose to Tell people how blessed and fortunate you are! The Telephone is your vehicle to get to work Today! Talk to people and help them to feel cared about. Don't decide to Try, decide to do! There is no better Time than now to make decisions that will Turn your business into the Type of business you deserve to have! 
 Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Let's all start the holiday early and share what we are Thankful for. It should not be just once a year that we Think about the gift of freedom that we have! Don't be the Turkey that could have shared Today with someone and help someone change Their life. Be the Thoughtful one who cares enough to share! 
And Talking about sharing, remember to let me know that you are ready to take a Cruising to Success Trip with me full of Training, fun and good Times. We are Thinking about a Three day cruise! Message me for more information. We are in our planning stages. Yes, cruising ,beaches, dolphins, shopping, and learning all at the same time! You can join us yourself and or bring a team, spouse or friend. Bob will be happy to organize some golfing, fishing trips for the spouses too while we are out shopping, seeing the sites (sharing along the way). We are starting a new FB page for Cruising to Success!


Cruising to Success

I am so excited! I know many of you know I love cruising. We have been asked to plan a three day cruise. We are going to do training, prospecting exercises, and have fun. We would love to have you join us! We are working on planning a couple different dates. Please message me if you would like more information as we develop the plans. I would also love to help organizations as well as businesses become more confident in sharing too throughout their daily routine.

The Letter S

Share, Share and Share!  Keep in mind Sharing is offering and Selling is something that you do when Someone indicates they want to be in a position to make a decision about what you are Sharing.  That is when listening and questioning Skills are so important-not convincing. Painting pictures with words is So important So that people can See pictures in their mind and make a decision whether or not to Step into the picture.  Speaking to others and Sharing the Services you offer helps people know about all the different types of Selections-choices that are available, from a profession to Shopping.


It is Letter R day!

 Recruiting is all about offering something that can change someone's life. Your company offers so many Rewards for helping others! Your life becomes Richer with new Relationships that you form from the team you build as well as the financial Rewards your company give you. Be Responsible for the success of your business. Be sure to Run towards success and not away from it. Do you Realize how you can make a difference in so many people's lives when you Reach out to others and share your business?


Letter Q

"Winners never Quit and Quitters never Win!" Your Quality of life and other people's Quality of life can change Quickly with your determination to share your business. When you are quiet about your business, there are people who could really feel they Qualify for having their own business and they do no know how or where to begin to do that. Start every day with positive thought- a Quote from someone who will inspire you to be positive about yourself and your business. Companies are eager to make you feel like a Queen or king for making a difference in people's lives.  Enjoy listening to the "Impossible Dream---Follow Your Quest".
Have a wonderful weekend!



Be the first one to give yourself a gift this holiday season.  It will be a gift that keeps on giving! You Deserve a Working from the Heart Tracker Book to grow your business and you too will enjoy :  

Heart U

D- Dreams
E- Experiences

Dreams- the daily quotes will give you the positive thoughts to get you up and going to make your dreams a reality
Experiences- there is a place to record all the different daily experiences you have 
Success- language - the words for sharing your business and feeling confident while doing it
Energy- never ask where did the day go again- have more time for family and other activities
Rewards- helping more people, more income, seeing dreams come true
Value - knowing you have a business and are not just thinking about having a business
Enjoyment- end every day saying, "I had a great day!"

Order your new Tracker!
It starts working the minute you want it to!

Don't forget to book a DESERVE seminar for your team.  We can do this at your regularly scheduled team meetings.

Letter P

It is letter P today!  Who knows what I refer to as the 3 Ps?  I believe success is all about Purpose, Passion and Plan.  The three P's will lead you to Prepare each day to take action to reach your goals. You have the Power within you to make things happen when you are Persistent and never give up. Peace of mind comes from knowing there are so many Places to meet People to share your business with and so many People who will want to Purchase your Products when you share Proudly.  Allow them though to have their own Preferences , a yes or no thank you. Participate in your own business and don't just be spectator!  You are the President of your own company.  Proceed with Passion!


It is letter O today.

One word can make a difference.  You can Open new doors for Others when you share your business.  The Opportunity you can Offer to Others will change lives.  Waiting to be Organized should not be a reason to stop you from sharing your business. You do know a company that has lots of Openings.  Your company! Offer others a chance for a new Occupation.  You can be the One who make a difference in someone's life today!  Be sure to check out The Working from the Heart Tracking book  if being Organized is a challenge to you.

Here is something to think about.  Thanks Karen! 
"Words are powerful. Thoughts are powerful. They are both energetic waves that move out into the world and change the vibrations around us. At the start of the day, choose one word that is meaningful to you (eg:honesty, kindness, generosity, helpful, gratitude, etc.). Throughout the day, think about the word you have chosen and try to be that word. You will soon discover that your thoughts inspire your actions. It is as though you are carrying a secret gift to give away to the world. You can do this practice alone or with your family. Children love to have a secret mission. Each person can choose a different word and at the end of the day compare stories about your experiences. This is a wonderful way to stay in the present moment and be watchful." 
Karyn Salvatore Petersen


It is letter N day!

Being Nice is sharing with everyone and being happy even if they say No thank you.  Do your Neighbors know about your business?  What are you going to do that is New today?  Meet someone New and you start to impact your business Now and Not later. Never prejudge or make decisions for others. Network with others in business to share ideas. November is the jumpstart for the New year.  I encourage you to check out the Working from the Heart System book to help you grow your business and stop  procrastination from picking up the phone to share News about your company. Become a NOW (No Other Way) kind of person where sharing is all about caring.  There is really No other way to build a successful business other than picking up the phone, meeting New people and sharing your business. Send me a message with your email and I will send you info about the tracker book.


We are on letter M today.

Wow, just got back from a trip where I had time to spend with my Mom and Dad!  My Mom was a teacher for many years and I know that she Made such a difference in my life and thousands of others too. 

Motivation- Motive to take action. Are you on a Mission?  I am really excited about Meeting all of you at different seminars across the country sharing my Mission.  I want to help each one of you Meet new people to share your business with.  Have a Marvelous week!  You Matter!  You can be someone's Miracle and they are just waiting for you to share your business with them!


It is L day!

Live, Laugh, Love! Listen, and Look around for people you can help Live a happier Life, Laugh a lot more and have more time for the people they Love. Having your own business will Lead to all that for you!  There are so many things that you can Learn to help you when you have your own business.  I Love helping people do that! Become a Leader in your company and help others Learn to Thrive and not just Survive.  What do you Love about your business?  What is a funny story that you have Laughed about in your business?  How is your Life better because of your business?

Ok, I will start with a funny story category. I was at my hostesses house and realized I had two different color shoes on.  I had found a pair I loved and bought a pair in Navy and Black.  When I was about to start my presentation at the party, I looked down and noticed.  I started the party by saying that sometimes I have a personal dresser just like the stars.  Mine is three years old and I forgot to tell them I like to wear shoes that are the same color.


It is letter K day in the attitude game.

The Key to success is to be Kind and share your business and let everyone Know about it. I am excited about a call I am doing to get people ready for the best January ever.  I Know you are thinking it is not even November yet.  The Key to a good January is to have the Kindred spirit when it comes to sharing.  It is not too late to call in to help kindle your business fire.  I want to be sure you do not fizzle and instead sizzle.  Call our office at 702-673-0361 for the call in phone number and code We are doing it several times in the next couple days.


Did anyone see Dolphin Tale?

We went again and this time we took my nine year old step-son. It was really interesting to watch it again after seeing Winter at her home in Clearwater. In the picture where I am holding Winter's prosthetic tale, I have to tell you she and I connect. I am just like her when it comes to the brace I have wear. I just want to get it off sometimes just like she does the prosthetic ...tail. We both know there is not a choice and we are both out there having fun and enjoying making other people happy. You can too even if you are uncomfortable. Visit to see what Winter is doing right now. You might catch her wearing her tail. She does not have to wear it all the time now.See More


Wow!  We have had an incredible week visiting many of you! I have worked with some incredible leaders and their teams this week.  Thank you Gwendolyn Williams in Clearwater, FL from Mary Kay, thank you Linda Pugh Morrison in Norfolk,VA from Lia Sophia, thank you Katie Sevenants in Seattle, WA from SeneGence and Kay Johnson from Lia Sophia for inviting me to your Rally in AZ this weekend.  I have been a part of so many conference calls this week too. After my call last night I know there are  lot of future Directors in Pampered Chef.  Way to go Diane Engle.  I love working with all of your teams!  Thank you for that honor and privilege!
"Energy is the essence of life. Every day
you decide how you're going to use it by
knowing what you want and what it
takes to reach that goal, and by
maintaining focus." 

- Oprah


Letter I day

Happy Monday! It is letter I day for positive attitude thoughts. Inspire comes to mind. Who are you going to Inspire to become Involved in your wonderful company? It is so easy to grow a business while pursuing other Interests because you can grow it right alongside family and other activities. Are you Inviting or announcing when it comes to your business? An Invitation makes people feel special even when they say, "no thank you". Identifying your goals leads to more Involvement in building a business and not just thinking about a business. Ilene loves to help people Ignite their passion!


It is letter H day in Attitudeville!

I am so Happy you are loving the video. Message me with your email address and I will send it if you Have not seen it. There is so much Hope and Happiness you can offer to people when you share your business. Helping people feels so good! Working from the Heart means that you are never Hard at work. Do you remember playing Hide and Go Seek. It was fun looking for people who were Hiding. There are people everywhere who you can find who will be so Happy to Hear that you would love to Have them be a part of your team. Have A Happy Weekend. I am so excited that today I am going on a special date with an adorable young man-my 8 year old grandson to see the movie Dolphin Tale. Then I will be in Clearwater, FL Monday to do a seminar and will get to see Winter, the dolphin from the movie. My Grandson loved the movie and wants me to see it with him. It apparently proves that when there is will, there is a way! It sounds like the Hope that everyone had for Winter paid off!


Today is letter G day!

Goals come to mind. Goals are similar to destinations to me. It is fun planning them, and should be fun on the way to reaching them too. Give of yourself and you will Grow your business. A business is similar to a Garden. Plant the seeds and water them all. You do not know which will Grow. I am so Grateful for the blessings in my life. Having my own business like many of you Gives us so much freedom. It does mean that is important to Get up and Get Going to work too though! And I am excited that next week I am Going to Clearwater, FL, Virginia Beach, VA, Seattle , WA and Phoenix, AZ this week after Getting lots of relaxation while on our cruise. I hope I will Get to see you! Come up and say Hi. I want to greet you. Remember to Greet everyone and always make them feel special. Many of you have been to my seminar.

Why is Gum a Good reminder to share your business?

You offer gum to people on a plane or when you are with someone, even when you do not know them, whether you know they chew gum or not. It is polite to do. Some people never chew gum, some think chewing gum is obnoxious, some are not able to because of dentures,some only chew sugarless. We share it though because we do not know how they feel. It does not bother us if the other person says yes or no. We are sharing just in case they want a piece. When people do the same with their business and detach feelings about whether the person says yes or no, it is amazing what happens!

Make this a Great day!


Letter F

Help people realize that their Fortune is From helping others realize that they have choices and more Freedom when they have their own business. Financial Freedom comes From Finding people who want to have a bright Future. It is Fun to watch others Follow their dreams and build their Future having Fun at the same time.


It is E day!

 I am Excited to share with you a new training that we put together! As you listen and watch the video, the music will give you Energy and the training will help Everyone feel Enthusiastic when it comes to sharing a business. As you listen, imagine that you are Exercising Every sharing muscle and Enjoying it too. 


It is letter D day!

Decide to be Determined to have the best week possible.  Are you a Doer or more of a thinker when it comes to your business?  Decisions and Determination will lead to the actions you take.  Delaying and Denial when it comes to Doing something Difficult  Does not make it go away.  Deciding to do that Difficult thing will. After doing that something that is Difficult to Do, it also can lead to the best feeling,  "I  did it!"  Open every Door of opportunity to make a Difference in your life and other lives.  There are a lot of Dreams that will come true when you set a Deadline for that to happen.  I once read that Dreams are goals without Deadlines.  What dreams are you going to make come true?  Yes, I am going to go on another cruise and it will be within the next year with my Determination and love of cruising!


It is C day!

Caring is the first word that comes to mind. We happen to be in Costa Rica in a Cafe.  We have met so many Caring people in this Country.   I am watching Children on the beach laughing and having a great time.  When you Care about people you have a totally different attitude about sharing.  You share your business with everyone and do not pick and Choose. You still feel good that you offered whether they are interested or not.  A Challenge becomes a puzzle.  You figure out how all the pieces fit.  Create a successful business.  Courage is within you to step out of your Comfort zone. It is Considerate when sharing your business to not pick and Choose who you share with.  When you have your own business it  should not be  a Choice if you work but it is always a Choice when to work when you have your own business.  Consistency is the key.  Calling people on the phone is a way to let people know you Care,   I hope you are using my Calling guide and enjoy Checking the different Categories off using the languge which will help you do a Complete Care Call.( message me with your email for more info about this book)  The more you share and Care, the bigger your Check is from your company.

 I am on my  Mac Computer and am so thankful to Steve Jobs who Created a way that makes it so much easier to work alongside family and other activities.  Thank you Steve for having the Confidence to Create tools that will be used for years and years to Come.


It letter B today!

Your attitude today can be positive when you think about all the words that Begin with B. I am looking forward to all of you sharing a word that begins with B that will lead to positive thoughts for everyone. Here are a few of mine.  Today can BE the day to Begin sharing with everyone the Benefits of having a home-based Business.  Think Big!  Believe that it is only fair to share your Business because of the many Benefits. Wow, there are a lot of those when you have your own Business!  Brighten someone's day!  Do you tend to do more Busy work for your Business when being Busy can lead to more people to share with?  Are you ready to take a step out of your comfort zone and prove to yourself that you can BE Brave and Blossom?  To Be or not to Be!  Brush off any doubts!  Think about all the Blessings that you are grateful for.  You are able to Bring so much joy and happiness into other's lives when you are on a mission to help everyone feel Better knowing there are so many ways you would love to help them.  Become a professional sharer to Build your Business.


Cutest Giraffe picture contest

I love the picture of the giraffe Lynn posted on my FB page.  It inspired me.  Let's have a contest for the rest of the week.  It is the Cutest Giraffe picture contest.  Post your entry on my page and we will mail the winner off the cutest picture poster a really cute giraffe pin.  I will coach the winner what to say when people notice it. Remember, the giraffe has the biggest heart in the animal kingdom.  Work from the heart and it will never feel like you are hard at work again.

It's ABC of Attitude time on Ilene's blog

We are doing another contest.  Please participate in the ABC's and each week, we will be choosing someone to receive a beautiful giraffe pin and receive a personal coaching call from me!  Let's have fun.  Please share this with everyone you know.
I am going to start the ABC's of attitude on FB and my blog. I believe that your thoughts are the only things that you are totally in control of, no matter what. Please join in and add your words each day to help everyone have lots of positive thoughts throughout the day. Be sure to join my blog too. 
Ok, let's sing our ABC's. Next time won't you sing with me. I am blaming the sea air on my it's fun too! Pick an A word below and comment or add an A word that will help shape everyone's positive thoughts throughout the day

A-- Attitude, Altitude, Accelerate, Appreciation, Assume, Articulate, Able, All Aboard, Action, Affirmations, Adventure, Advance, Affect, Afford. What can you add?

Attitude determines your altitude! My altitude is really high because of all the appreciation I have for everyone and everything in my life!
We are doing another contest.  Please participate in the ABC's and each week we will be choosing someone to receive a beautiful giraffe pin and receive a personal coaching call from me!
Click on logo to join Ilene on Facebook


It is Z day with Zero shipping on all US orders today ONLY!

The first thing that comes to my mind is Zippity Do-Da-Zippity Day....... my oh my, what a wonderful day! Plenty of new people to share with coming my way! Ok, I am dating myself or we can blame it on the fresh sea air.  Do you have the zest for sharing your business that results in you having a  Zero leaving out policy or do you pick and choose?  Can you imagine what would happen to your business with establishing a personal business policy  that means you share with everyone.  Take a trip to the Zoo.  Visit my favorite animal.  Who knows what that is and why?  It is not the Zebras, although they are cute.
And since it is Z day we decided it is Zero shipping day on all US orders and 1/2 price on international orders for books and CDs. I hope you will start your sharing and caring library or add to it. Please visit or


It is letter Y today!

You are the key to Your success. This is Your Year to make things happen. Forget Yesterday and decide today is the day to make the decision that You have something someone needs. 
Do You want to be the consultant who is known as the consultant who shares with everyone and is happy whether someone says Yes or no and that Your goal is to always be sure the person You are sharing with feels valued no matter what they say. 
Or are you the consultant that people would say, they seem to pick and choose who they share with, looking for people who they believe will say Yes to satisfy their needs, not looking for someone who needs them. 
Do you Yearn for success? Some people talk about the three feet rule which is really a Yard. I am sitting looking at the ocean and thinking what a great big Yard I have right now. And I did have to say Yikes today when I fell. Happy to report just a few bruises.

Can you think of someone You have never shared with that You really want to share with?  Have you shared with people who are in your backYard so to speak?  Did You see someone You should have shared with Yesterday?


It letter X day!

What would your business look like in an x-ray?  How would the sharing activities look, the bookings look, inviting people to join you part of your business look? Are you needing more activity to strengthen your business?  Put some eXtra thought today into how you can make a difference when you are sharing your business with others.  There are so many opportunities all around you.   Share to day with anyone who has a letter X in their name or works in an X-ray department or stretching it a bit.....loves tic -tac -toe or sent you a note with lots of XOXO (hugs and kisses).  Have a great weekend!


The Letter Y

You are the one who can make a difference in people's lives when You make the decision to share your business. Share in case someone wants to say Yes.  There are so many sharing opportunities.  You can offer to do fundraisers for a Youth Group.  Pull out your Yearbook and reconnect with people on Facebook.  Who did you talk to Yesterday that you forgot to share with and can call today to be fair and share?  Make it yellow day,  While you are out and about look for 5 people wearing yellow.  Tell them you are working with a business coach and a team of entrepreneurs. Let them know that today you are suppose to talk to 5 people wearing yellow to ask them if they have ever had an experience with Your company.  Or make it a referral day and call people to ask them if they can help you with your business building game that you are playing with a team of entrepreneurs.  Tell them you are working on the letter Y.  Ask them if they have ever been to Yellowstone, been to Youngstown, worked in a Youth organization, have Yarn in their house or could fit any category that begins with Y. Talk to someone in their Yard. Have fun!  Ask everyone if they have ever had an experience with your company.