
The Letter Y

You are the one who can make a difference in people's lives when You make the decision to share your business. Share in case someone wants to say Yes.  There are so many sharing opportunities.  You can offer to do fundraisers for a Youth Group.  Pull out your Yearbook and reconnect with people on Facebook.  Who did you talk to Yesterday that you forgot to share with and can call today to be fair and share?  Make it yellow day,  While you are out and about look for 5 people wearing yellow.  Tell them you are working with a business coach and a team of entrepreneurs. Let them know that today you are suppose to talk to 5 people wearing yellow to ask them if they have ever had an experience with Your company.  Or make it a referral day and call people to ask them if they can help you with your business building game that you are playing with a team of entrepreneurs.  Tell them you are working on the letter Y.  Ask them if they have ever been to Yellowstone, been to Youngstown, worked in a Youth organization, have Yarn in their house or could fit any category that begins with Y. Talk to someone in their Yard. Have fun!  Ask everyone if they have ever had an experience with your company.

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