
Wishes do come true only when you work at growing your business with dedication to helping others. What a wonderful way to earn an income! You just have to be willing and want to share with everyone. Who are you going to meet today while out and about preparing for the holidays? What are you willing to do to step out of your comfort zone? When are you going to make the decision that... you DESERVE (Dreams, Experiences, Success, Energy , Value ,and Enjoyment) from your business)!  Why wait until tomorrow? If not now, when? Wave good -bye to any fears and watch your business thrive! Speaking of waves, don't forget to ask me about the 3 day training cruise we are doing on 2/24 for 3 days! Message me and I will send you the details


I want to remind you to focus on your goals and have the determination, deep in your hearts, to believe in your abilities to make your goals a reality. If you are not already a “goal-setter,” I encourage you to get into the goal-setting habit as we approach 2012.  Begin by setting a goal you want to accomplish today.  You will feel great when you end your day knowing you reached your goal!


Do you feel like the weeks are flying by, leading you to wonder,  “What did I accomplish this week?”  Take some time to write down what you do each day and you will be amazed how much time you spend thinking about your business versus really working at building your business.   Keep in mind that having your own business allows you flexibility, which gives you a choice as to when to work not “if”.


There is a tendency to coach players to the position you would like to see them play on your team, versus the positions they are actually showing up to practice for.

For example, is your hostess excited about a $1,000 party?

Is she willing to do what it takes to reach that goal?

Did you even let her know that was an opportunity she could enjoy?

Have you said to a new consultant that you are always looking for people who would like to take a step right into leadership in the company?

Have you asked an existing consultant, "What would you like your business to do for you and your family in the new year?"

It is impossible to coach someone who has not made the decision even to play. It can be very frustrating to want success for a player who hasn't made the decision to be successful. It is like coaching a spectator in the bleachers.


“When your heart speaks, take good notes”, is something I heard someone say before and feel is so true.  I really believe that when you dedicate your business to helping others, you are on the way to so many successes as well as so many good feelings.  You will know when you are sharing and focusing on others and not yourself. You will not change how you feel about sharing with the next person.  When you share, it is important not to pre-judge or leave anyone out.  Decide, “I will be happy when I am sharing no matter what anyone says to me.


The end of the year is quickly approaching. I hope instead of just thinking "This is the end of the year." you are thinking "Wow! This is just the beginning." What you do in December is the key to the start of your new year. It's time to re-recruit yourself!


I just received the nicest email. They were thanking me for calling and saying Happy Holidays. They said, " I loved that you asked how can I help you with your goals? " Then they said , "It felt so good getting a call like that from you, I decided to get on the phone and do the same thing with my customers and ask them , how can I help them now and in the new year? It felt great making the calls. I would never have done it if you had not called me."

I appreciate all the emails I get. Hope this one helps you decide to pick up the phone and start dialing too. Are you ready to pick up the phone and do the same with your customers?


“Your current safe boundaries were once unknown frontiers” Author Unknown

Are you ready to choose the roads you are going to take this week?  You are in the driver’s seat.    Are you ready to do new things?  Determination and desire will lead to the type of journey you experience during this weeks travels.  As you, travel through your week be sure to:

Work and treat your business as just that a business-not a hobby.  Hobbies you do when you get around to them.  When you have your own business, you can decide when to work but it should not be a decision if to work.  Do you avoid doing things you are uncomfortable doing?  Make a decision to do three things you are uncomfortable doing and feel so excited you stepped out of your comfort zone.

Be the kind of person you would want helping you.   Be ready to say, “May I help you?”  Help them to feel valued whether they want your help or not.  Spend this week focusing on helping as many people as you can to feel good!

Do not be a “wannabe”!  Do you say, “I will try to see if this will work” or do you say, “I am going to find a way to make it work”? Do you say, “When it happens, it will happen" or do you say, “I will make it happen”?

Do you say, “I’ll start tomorrow” or do you say, “I can’t wait to get started right away”?


Who is ready to make the decision to share their business? Forget any hesitations when it comes to sharing about your business. Don't let fear or doubt keep you from offering to help others.  It’s not about you; it’s about sharing the opportunity to make their life better.


What thoughts come to your mind when you hear the word recruiting? Are you looking for consultants and hostesses?

There  are  people looking for ways to add additional income to their family budget.  There are people who love entertaining their friends and enjoy receiving free products.

Recruiting is about helping people feel wanted, cared about and valued whether they choose to say “yes” or “no” to what you are offering them.

Have you ever had the experience of being recruited outside your business? How did it feel?


"Promise me you will always remember you are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
Christopher Robins

I love this quote! I put it in this week's newsletter. I hope you will remember these words as you decide what you are doing today which will help you blast off in your business in 2012.


I love this quote by John Maxwell,"People and rubber bands have one thing in common: they must be stretched to be effective". What are you going to do today to stretch?  Remember, a limit on what you will do, puts a limit on what you can do. 


What can you do today to meet three new people to share your business with? Sharing is offering and caring is being happy with whatever they choose to say. Knowing you can be happy with whatever they choose to say is the key to success. And the good news is that you are totally in control of that thought. Hearing someone say, "no thank you", will never keep you from success, not wanting to hear a no will.


What are you going to do today that will really make you feel good about growing your business? Ask your family at the dinner table tonight to share what they did at school, work, to feel good about too.


Tip 31

What kind of history are you creating in your business? What are you doing that people can learn from by watching you?  Make a decision to work for success and not wish and hope for success.  What are you going to do today to get you one step closer to the business you want to create in 2012?


Tip 32

Who is building a business with young children at home?  Phone time is fun time can be helpful at your house.  Here is how it works.  Find something fun  for the kids to do when you are on the phone.  Then tell them it is "Phone time is Fun Time".  Dial until you reach one person and then say, "Great job helping mom! What do you want to do with me now?"  Then every 3 hours do it again.  Your kids will love it and your business will grow.  I would declare bubble's day at our house.  Every time I was on the phone, they blew bubbles on a drop cloth near me.  The key is to stop after one completed call and then do something with them and then let them go back to the activity the next time you are making your next call.  This time of year (again on a drop cloth), they could make wrapping paper for the holiday gifts.  Even a real little one could enjoy it.  Printers have big rolls of paper.
Let's make today a Phone Time is Fun Time sharing tips day.  Share activities children could do right alongside you.