
Tip 34

Today is the day to do something for your business that you have always thought about doing and have not done it yet. Say to yourself, "Today's the day, I am going to..."  What could that be for you?  Maybe it is..., invite everyone you talk to join you in starting a business or plan an open house, mystery hostess, get your January calendar booked, make the calls you have been putting off.  Deciding you will do it and not just thinking about what you want to do can make such a difference in your business.

I did something just a few weeks ago that I had thought about and had not taken any action to do it. I announced my training cruise in February. I have always believed cruises were a great place for a seminar, retreat and relaxation at the same time.  My theme for 2012 DESERVE (Dreams, Experiences,Success, Energy, Rewards, Value and Enjoyment) is a perfect theme for different types of training. I love cruising and thought how can I do it more often and still do lots of training to help people. Then I thought I can train in a hotel for all my trainings or I can have the ocean as a seminar location once in a while.  I decided, OK, I will call some cruising companies and see how that can happen.  It happened!  I know many of you are excited about it.  Please call 702-673-0361 for more information or message me and I will send you a flyer.

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