I am sooo excited! Bob surprised me and we are about to take a transatlantic cruise for our birthdays. I love cruising! And I will have 7 days crossing the ocean to spend writing and developing some new training as I enjoy the ocean breezes as we cross the ocean to Spain. I love that I am still available for coaching and talking to all of you through emails and FB. So this is the time to ask me questions to help you in your business. You can do it on FB in a post, private message or email me at ilene@ilenemeckley.com. I would love to hear from everyone who is reading this post!
Can you imagine what it felt like to cross the ocean in a little tiny boat, with no communications compared to today? As much as I love cruising , I can share with you that I have been asking everyone who has cruised across the ocean, how is it? Are you ever nervous being in the middle of the ocean? Yes, I even have anxiety, questions, want reassurance too. I will not let those feelings keep me from the experience and please don't let that ever happen to you. There are alot of experiences for you to work alongside family and other activities you love to do. I am about to do that with my husband , Bob!
Spring is officially here! Who remembers the song, "Zippity doo dah, zippity day, my oh my what a wonderful day! Plenty of ______ ( who remembers this song) heading my way! " Besides what is heading our way as stated in the song, what else is going to be heading your way in 2012 as a result of a successful business----I know that you can be the best sharer about your business ever and there will be so much heading your way! Could it be a new leadership title, helping develop new leaders, incentive trips, prizes from your company, attending national convention, packing up for our September cruising to success training (you don't want to miss sun and training , do you...on a cruise with lots of business builders from all over the country and me), more income to give you and your family more choices for 2012-2013, and the wonderful feeling you will have because you have learned how to DESERVE Dreams, Experiences, Success, Energy, Rewards, Value, Enjoyment ---everything heading your way. Your Zest for your business will give you the rest! Who is ready to share with all our closest FB friends? I am looking forward to reading your posts about what is heading your way. Do be shy! Shout it from the roof tops( or FB). Can't wait to hear from you!
I am so excited about my theme for 2012 seminars! I hope you will message me to get more information about how I can visit your team. We have developed programs for the smallest teams to the largest teams.
I am so excited about my theme for 2012 seminars! I hope you will message me to get more information about how I can visit your team. We have developed programs for the smallest teams to the largest teams.
Top 10 Reasons to pick up the phone and start dialing this week!
10. It will not bite.
9. It is so much lighter than you think.
8. Alexander Graham Bell will be proud of you.
7. It really feels good knowing you are doing something for
your business instead of just thinking about doing
something to grow your business.
6. There are people waiting for an invitation to join your
team or host a party.
5. People are starved for customer service. How would you
feel if someone called you and said, “One of my focuses
is customer service this year and I am calling to see how
I can help you in the coming year.”
4. The only way to become comfortable with making calls is
to be uncomfortable first.
3. If you don’t ask, it is an automatic no.
2. “If you help enough people get what they want, you get what
you want.”
1. You can be happy and proud of yourself whether or not they
join you, book a party or buy something because you are a
professional sharer who works from the heart.
9. It is so much lighter than you think.
8. Alexander Graham Bell will be proud of you.
7. It really feels good knowing you are doing something for
your business instead of just thinking about doing
something to grow your business.
6. There are people waiting for an invitation to join your
team or host a party.
5. People are starved for customer service. How would you
feel if someone called you and said, “One of my focuses
is customer service this year and I am calling to see how
I can help you in the coming year.”
4. The only way to become comfortable with making calls is
to be uncomfortable first.
3. If you don’t ask, it is an automatic no.
2. “If you help enough people get what they want, you get what
you want.”
1. You can be happy and proud of yourself whether or not they
join you, book a party or buy something because you are a
professional sharer who works from the heart.
Have you asked consultants, "What would you like your business to do for you and your family in the next three months?" It is impossible to coach someone who has not made the decision even to play. It can be very frustrating to want success for a player who hasn't made the decision to be successful. Have you let a new consultant know that a successful business is not built based on the people you know today? Do you let them know that you want to teach them how to share their business with others in a non-pushy way? Are you doing these things on a regular basis so you can be confident in expecting it in others?
Businesses have to be open to be successful. Are you going to be open for business today? Were you open for business yesterday? Are you going to be open for business tomorrow? Are you allowing people to walk in and out of your business just like you enjoy doing when you are at a mall?
Think about your last trip to a mall. I bet there were occasions when you walked into a store and someone greeted you saying, “May I help you." There were times when you said yes and times when
you said no. There were times when you wished that there was someone around to offer to help you. Businesses are open for people even when they do not plan to make a purchase. Can you imagine
someone saying, "I am going to have to ask you to leave. It appears you will not be making a purchase today." Or, can you imagine someone greeting you at the entrance to a business and saying, "Are
you planning on making a purchase today?" You say, "I am not sure." Then they say, "Then we are not letting you in." Businesses have to be open and let people in to be successful. Start talking to everyone. Become a professional sharer about your company.
Think about your last trip to a mall. I bet there were occasions when you walked into a store and someone greeted you saying, “May I help you." There were times when you said yes and times when
you said no. There were times when you wished that there was someone around to offer to help you. Businesses are open for people even when they do not plan to make a purchase. Can you imagine
someone saying, "I am going to have to ask you to leave. It appears you will not be making a purchase today." Or, can you imagine someone greeting you at the entrance to a business and saying, "Are
you planning on making a purchase today?" You say, "I am not sure." Then they say, "Then we are not letting you in." Businesses have to be open and let people in to be successful. Start talking to everyone. Become a professional sharer about your company.
Excuses will keep you in "Stuckville"
Excuses will also help you to continue to create more – ANT's (Automatic, Negative Thoughts). There are so many excuses that can keep you from sharing your business. My wish for you is that you decide to choose to eliminate all excuses this week and that you choose to think only those thoughts that will Spring you forward to help others with your business.
I have spoken with, coached, and guided others to move beyond their excuses. The only way you will move beyond your own excuses is when you make the decision to do so. If you are more invested in staying stuck in your excuses than you are in getting rid of them and allowing yourself to step out of your comfort zone to be able to share your business with others, then you will continue to use your excuses that will keep you in "Stuckville". You can choose your thoughts. Excuses are thoughts you think, thoughts that you believe are “reasons” for not doing what you know you need to do. You are the one in control of your choices and you choose what you think and create in your life. As long as you choose the excuses though, you will stay in the land of inaction and "Stuckville".
My wish for you is that you decide to choose to eliminate all excuses this week and that you choose to think only those thoughts that will move you forward to help others with your business.
I have spoken with, coached, and guided others to move beyond their excuses. The only way you will move beyond your own excuses is when you make the decision to do so. If you are more invested in staying stuck in your excuses than you are in getting rid of them and allowing yourself to step out of your comfort zone to be able to share your business with others, then you will continue to use your excuses that will keep you in "Stuckville". You can choose your thoughts. Excuses are thoughts you think, thoughts that you believe are “reasons” for not doing what you know you need to do. You are the one in control of your choices and you choose what you think and create in your life. As long as you choose the excuses though, you will stay in the land of inaction and "Stuckville".
My wish for you is that you decide to choose to eliminate all excuses this week and that you choose to think only those thoughts that will move you forward to help others with your business.
My father often quotes Abraham Lincoln. Here is a favorite: “I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow”.
What will you do this weekend to plant a flower where a flower should be? Is there someone you know who needs to hear about your business opportunity? Maybe this person is in fear of losing a job or has already joined the unemployed. A mother with young children needs to earn extra income for her family, but a traditional nine-to-five job is not an option. A retired man is seeking to accomplish more in his life. A young woman wants to earn money to pay college tuition.
What will you do this weekend to plant a flower where a flower should be? Is there someone you know who needs to hear about your business opportunity? Maybe this person is in fear of losing a job or has already joined the unemployed. A mother with young children needs to earn extra income for her family, but a traditional nine-to-five job is not an option. A retired man is seeking to accomplish more in his life. A young woman wants to earn money to pay college tuition.
I just got off the phone from a coaching call and wanted to share what I discussed. We’ve all heard about objections, when a customer voices excuses about why this is not the right offer, or the right time, or the right place. If I could publish my own dictionary, I’d toss out the word, “objections,” altogether. Instead of hearing objections, I hear this: “You have not shared with me the solution to my problem, or filled my need, or satisfied my desires.” That’s really what selling is all about – offering solutions, filling needs, and satisfying desires. It is important to ask questions of your potential customer to uncover a problem or to ascertain a need or a desire. Once we know what the customer wants or needs, our job is to share the benefits of what we have to offer. Then sharing solutions leads to sales.
Who read the book Little Women by Louisa May Alcott? I love this quote from her, "Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead." What are your highest aspirations? Those aspirations will begin with you taking your first step towards whatever YOUR cherished desires are for you and your family. It is important to have the will to succeed.
Take the four letters in “fear” (as in “fear of the unknown”) and turn those same four letters into “fare” (as in “fare thee well”). Leaders and consultants have accomplished this feat by rearranging not only the letters A, E, F and R, but by restructuring their attitude and expectations as they travel along the highway of success. You can learn to navigate more easily and efficiently past the mileposts that mark your progress toward your own personal goals by reading chapter one of my most recent book, “Highway of Success: Proceed with Passion.” In chapter titled “Commit to Commencing,” your will discover how to make the following transformations:
F turns into Freedom as you overcome Fright;
A turns into Anticipation as you overcome Anxiety;
R turns into Relief as you overcome Regret
E turns into Enthusiasm as you build Excitement.
F turns into Freedom as you overcome Fright;
A turns into Anticipation as you overcome Anxiety;
R turns into Relief as you overcome Regret
E turns into Enthusiasm as you build Excitement.
With just 6 months until the Fun, Sun and Training Cruises, here are five reasons why you won’t want to miss it:
One on one training with Ilene, the expert in Sharing is Caring.
Group trainings with Ilene, to share ideas and role play.
You will receive an amazing bundle of training tools.
Warm weather, ocean breeze, amazing destinations! Can you think of any better place to train?
Prospecting, prospecting, prospecting! On a cruise you meet hundreds of people and you will be able to put your sharing is caring language to work with the expert there to guide you!
Call Bob Clark at 702-430-9993 or email info@ilenemeckley.com today to reserve your spot.
We’ll see you in September!

A Success Survey
A number of direct sellers are telling me that in this challenging economy, it’s tough to “get up and get going” to make their businesses work. Sure it’s tough! But as they say, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Don’t let a sluggish economy slow you down! Instead of looking for excuses, look for opportunities.
To help you get started this week, take 5 minutes to answer these 5 questions. Think of this as a Success Survey. Then, please email your completed Success Survey to me at Ilene@ilenemeckley.com, your upline and/or a friend. I want to learn how you are building a stronger business 5 ways.
1. How much money do you want to earn this month? _______________. How much money you want or need to earn is one of your Purposes. We have many Purposes. Your Purpose could be to gain confidence in public speaking; or to make new friends; or to earn a company incentive such as a trip or a cruise. Determining your Purpose is the first step in achieving your Purpose.
2. Who could use a “Customer Care” call from you? ________________. Call someone who could benefit by hearing your voice. Ask if they need more products, if they’d like to book a party, or if they would just like to talk. When we care about others, show genuine concern for another person’s well-being, we are giving of ourselves. Who can you call?
3. Who do you know needs additional income? _____________________. Perhaps you have heard about someone who recently lost a job, or who is struggling to pay the bills, or has a growing family. Many people you know could use a little more income. Let these individuals know about your business opportunity. Your call could be the call that changes a life for the better.
4. Which member of your team could use a positive word of encouragement?____________. Whether your team numbers a few or into the hundreds, there are team members who need your encouraging words. Take a moment to call a member of your team. Thank her for her efforts. Congratulate her on a recent accomplishment. Invite her to lunch. Reach out and inspire.
5. How can you make your business stronger? ____________________. List at least one thing you can do today to make your business stronger. Perhaps there is a motivational article in a magazine you have set aside to read later. Is it time to pick it up and give it a read? Is there a motivational tape you have wanted to try? From time to time, we all need to recharge our motivational batteries. What can you do today to power up? I hope this Success Survey has helped you. Send it to everyone you know, and please send your completed copy to me. I look forward to hearing from you today!
Come out, come out, wherever you are! We used to love playing “Hide and Go Seek”. We would look everywhere for the person who was hiding. We would laugh and enjoy ourselves as we searched for the person who was quietly hiding. We just knew they had to be there somewhere. We had belief! That same belief is needed now when growing a business. Believe there are plenty of people who need you and your business. It is your job to find them. Say to yourself, “I can and I will have fun looking for the people who need me.”
Direct selling provides a way to earn income without sacrificing time with the family. There is no need to miss a school play, a child’s soccer game, or a dance recital. You decide when you want to work and the number of hours a week you will work. You can even decide to grow your business while having fun on our next training cruise. You can build your business daily by sharing and having fun while doing it. Direct sellers not only set their own hours, but also determine how much money they will earn. If you want an extra $1,000 a week, you can do it with a direct sales business. If you want a six-figure income, you can achieve that with a career in direct selling. There’s no glass ceiling. In fact, there’s no ceiling at all. Choose to share and watch the rewards grow for you and your family, as you grow personally, and the more you share.
Are you willing to take 2 1/2 minutes of your day for incredible growth and success in your business?
And are you willing to be uncomfortable to become comfortable knowing you will be spending only 10 hours a month at an activity that is so important to your business, which is all about helping others by sharing your business? And sharing is done right alongside your family and other activities. Then your parties are your paydays! Are you read to do 4- 8 selling events (only 12- 24 hours a MONTH away from your family) Remember-- 8 events x 3 hours--that is commuting time for some people in a month? Even doing 12 events is 36 hours a month --less than 1 traditional 40 hour work week.
Are you willing to overcome challenges to do the things you love to do? Whether you’re on top of your game or you’re in a slump, make this week the best one yet. Make it a point to meet new people, book shows, and offer your company’s business opportunity. Push through. Get out there. Make things happen. Be the champion who lives inside your heart. I know you can and you will, once you decide that you have to!
Thoughts on Cruising To Success Training Program
Just arrived home from our weekend in the Bahamas and our INCREDIBLE "Cruising to Success" experience with Ilene Meckley! There are no words to describe this weekend ... the training, the fellowship and all the fun! Looking forward to doing it again in September but in the meantime, it's UP, UP and AWAY with my business! Thank you Ilene and Bob for an AWESOME 3 days! - Terie McOmber Hynish
What thoughts come to your mind when you hear the word recruiting? Are you looking for consultants and hostesses? There are people looking for ways to add additional income to their family budget. There are people who love entertaining their friends and enjoy receiving free products. Recruiting is about helping people feel wanted, cared about and valued whether they choose to say “yes” or “no” to what you are offering them. Have you ever had the experience of being recruited outside your business? How did it feel?
Apprehensions about sharing your business with others comes from anticipation that you might feel uncomfortable about their response. Instead, decide the purpose of sharing is the same as offering, “May I help you?” There is no reason to feel uncomfortable about sharing. You will always be able to help the person you are sharing with feel good about the sharing experience, when your goal is to help them feel good, whether they need your services or not. Hold yourself accountable for sharing.
"To love what you do and feel that it matters-how could anything be more fun?" Katharine Graham
Happy Valentine's Day! I know I am so blessed to love what I do. Thank you everyone for being a part of my goals to help everyone see that "working from the heart "is so much better than being hard at work!
Happy Valentine's Day! I know I am so blessed to love what I do. Thank you everyone for being a part of my goals to help everyone see that "working from the heart "is so much better than being hard at work!
I believe that using the word “try” is often a form of self-deception. Do you ever say, “I will try to contact,” instead of simply, “I will contact”? If so, aren’t you using a little three-letter word as an excuse to fall back on if the contact isn’t successful? Aren’t you deceiving yourself, and giving yourself permission to fail, by saying, “Well, I tried, but…”? Saying “I can” and “I will,” conveys a much stronger commitment to achieving our goals than saying, “I will try.” We must always be 100 percent dedicated and committed to what we can and will do. We are at best only halfway committed if we choose only to try.
I am on my way to Fargo! I am looking forward to seeing all direct sellers in the area. I want to encourage everyone today to ask everyone, “Have you ever thought about doing something alongside your family and other activities to earn extra income?” When you hear either a yes or no as a response to that exact question you can say, “I would love to get together with you to share some information so you can decide if doing what I am doing could be for you too. The purpose of us getting together would be for me to answer any questions you have, give you some information so YOU can have all the information about what it could be like when you have a business that you can grow alongside your family and other activities.”
The quest for any worthwhile goal will likely involve challenges and obstacles. In growing a team, a direct seller may feel, “I don’t know enough people.” Another may question, “How will I meet people interested in my business opportunity?” Regardless of the challenge you face, identifying the concern is the first step in overcoming it. Need to meet more people? Hold more parties. Wherever you go during a typical day, there are people. Talk to everyone you meet. Some are seeking the opportunity you offer.
Are you ready to talk to 5 people today?
It only takes 30 seconds or less.Sharing is offering and caring is being happy with whatever they say.
Remember, it is perfectly OK for people to say no thank you. It is not OK to hesitate to share because someone might say no. Ask yourself the following question, when a sharing opportunity presents itself, "If I knew this person wanted to join me as a consultant, be a hostess or host or purchase one of
my products, would I be sharing right now?" I believe your answer would be yes. So now think, "I should be sharing with everyone in case they want to say, "yes"”.
Remember, it is perfectly OK for people to say no thank you. It is not OK to hesitate to share because someone might say no. Ask yourself the following question, when a sharing opportunity presents itself, "If I knew this person wanted to join me as a consultant, be a hostess or host or purchase one of
my products, would I be sharing right now?" I believe your answer would be yes. So now think, "I should be sharing with everyone in case they want to say, "yes"”.
Start your week on a mission and remember a quote from Zig Ziglar!
You can have anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want. You have something to offer others! I know that there are people who are just waiting for you to find them. This is LEAP year! Are you ready to take a LEAP (Learn Everything About Promoting) yourself and business? I love that the LEAP begins with working from the heart and the LEAP month is in February... What better month and time to start sharing with everyone! I want to encourage you to make this the month that you decide to do what it takes for your LEAP to success. Sharing is the caring thing to do! Being happy whether someone says yes or no is truly working from the heart!
You can have anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want. You have something to offer others! I know that there are people who are just waiting for you to find them. This is LEAP year! Are you ready to take a LEAP (Learn Everything About Promoting) yourself and business? I love that the LEAP begins with working from the heart and the LEAP month is in February... What better month and time to start sharing with everyone! I want to encourage you to make this the month that you decide to do what it takes for your LEAP to success. Sharing is the caring thing to do! Being happy whether someone says yes or no is truly working from the heart!
MAC (morning after call)
Who did a party last night? Don't forget to call everyone and do a big MAC (morning after call). Say, "Thank you so much for attending last night's party. I know that some people tell me that when they get home and start to go to sleep that they have trouble getting to sleep because they are thinking, wow, we could use some extra income. Can I do what they did and start a business or they think ...I wish I had enough money to get all the other things I wanted and maybe I should have a party. Were you one of those people who had trouble getting to sleep because you had some of those same thoughts last night too. " If they said they went right to sleep, then let them know again how you appreciated the time they took from their busy day to join you. If they had trouble getting to sleep then ask more questions and help them sign up or schedule a date.
Set a goal every day for each day’s accomplishments
Set a goal every day for each day’s accomplishments. You will not know that you have arrived, if you do not know where you are going. But don’t stop there. Set a goal for the week, for the month, and for the year. You may be surprised the difference it will make in your progress to achieving the success you deserve - Dreams Experiences Success Energy Rewards Value
I hope you have checked out my tracker to help you feel so good about each day. It can stop that feeling, "Where did my day go?"
I hope you have checked out my tracker to help you feel so good about each day. It can stop that feeling, "Where did my day go?"
I love the following quote: "You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers.
In every moment of our existence, we are in that field
of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices."
— Deepak Choprah
What choices will you be making today to grow your business? Not doing something is a choice too!
In every moment of our existence, we are in that field
of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices."
— Deepak Choprah
What choices will you be making today to grow your business? Not doing something is a choice too!
Imagine someone telling you that they has just opened up a skydiving business and asking you, "would you be interested in learning how to skydive"? If you are afraid of heights you would probably say no. Should they close the business because skydiving is not for you? Should they decide not to talk to anyone else about the skydiving business because you are afraid of skydiving? Accept ahead of time that what you do and what you have to offer is not for everyone and that’s okay. If they are happy with the product they use, be happy for them. If they are happy with the opportunities they have, be happy for them. Then go on to the next person because they may be the one who really needs the opportunity you have to offer.
Desire with a capital D
Approach life and your business with Desire with a capital D! This week, place on your refrigerator door , in your car, or over your office desk, the word Desire. Make sure the “D” is capitalized, and work your business with all your heart.
Are you proud to be a part of the direct sales profession?
Selling is the art of sharing solutions and caring about the well-being of your potential customer, or possible new member of your team. Share, care, and continue to build your business consistently. We ask questions of a potential customer to uncover a problem or to ascertain a need or a desire. Once we know what the customer wants or needs, our job is to share the benefits of what we have to offer.
What does LEAP year mean to you? It is time for a LEAP ( Learn Everything About Promoting) for yourself and your business this year because you DESERVE it! It is time to take that LEAP in your business. Who is ready? Share what you are going to be doing so that we can cheer you on! Are you going to promote yourself and earn a new leadership title? Are you earning your first incentive trip? Are you going to be sure your calendar is full? Remember the game LEAP frog? You don't have to wait for someone to move forward for you to Leap forward in your business. I would love to come help you LEAP with my new DESERVE to LEAP seminar!
Before we can make a sale or offer a business opportunity, we must have prospects, individuals who need our products, services, or could benefit by doing the kind of work we do. As Zig Ziglar tells us, “Prospecting is not an eight-to-five job.” If done with grace and an attitude of helpfulness, prospecting for potential hostesses, customers, and recruits can happen wherever we happen to be – in the supermarket, at a child’s soccer game, at an airport, out walking the dog, or anywhere people congregate. Where are you going today where you can share?
Be the kind of person you would want helping you. Be ready to say, “May I help you?” Help them to feel valued whether they want your help or not. Spend this week focusing on helping as many people as you can to feel good!
Do not be a “wannabe”! Do you say, “I will try to see if this will work” or do you say, “I am going to find a way to make it work”? Do you say, “When it happens, it will happen" or do you say, “I will make it happen”?
Do you say, “I’ll start tomorrow” or do you say, “I can’t wait to get started right away”?
“Your current safe boundaries were once unknown frontiers” Author Unknown
Are you ready to choose the roads you are going to take? You are in the driver’s seat. Are you ready to do new things? Determination and desire will lead to the type of journey you experience during your travels to success. As you, travel through your week be sure to:
Work and treat your business as just that a business-not a hobby. Hobbies you do when you get around to them. When you have your own business, you can decide when to work but it should not be a decision if to work. Do you avoid doing things you are uncomfortable doing? Make a decision to do three things you are uncomfortable doing and feel so excited you stepped out of your comfort zone.
I want to encourage you to make the decision to share with every single person. Forget any hesitations when it comes to sharing about your business. Don't let fear or doubt keep you from offering to help others. It’s not about you; it’s about sharing the opportunity to make their life better.
Make the decision that since you love your product and you love your company you are obligated to share it with everyone. Imagine going to Macy's to do some shopping and a man is standing at the door and asks “Are you planning to make a purchase?” You respond, “I don’t know”. To which he responds, “Sorry you can’t come in". You are doing the same thing when you prejudge, do not share your business and decide a person might not be interested.
Make the decision that since you love your product and you love your company you are obligated to share it with everyone. Imagine going to Macy's to do some shopping and a man is standing at the door and asks “Are you planning to make a purchase?” You respond, “I don’t know”. To which he responds, “Sorry you can’t come in". You are doing the same thing when you prejudge, do not share your business and decide a person might not be interested.
Anyone ready to play Red Light, Green Light? When we heard the words “Red Light” we would stop ourselves in our tracks, patiently waiting for the words “Green Light”. We would then proceed to go as far and as fast as we could. We knew there would be another “Red Light”. It was OK, that was part of the game. That game prepared us for sharing our business too. A red light-- a “no”-- can change in a second to a green light-- a booking or consultant. You have to play to win!
"To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping."
— Chinese Proverb
Wow! That is so true. I literally know that since I had to learn to walk again almost 7 years ago. Remember that today as you pursue your goals for 2012. Just keep stepping or "Tracking". I know that when you make 5 contacts a day, your business will grow. Remember you DESERVE success! Dreams Experiences Success Energy Rewards Value Enjoyment
— Chinese Proverb
Wow! That is so true. I literally know that since I had to learn to walk again almost 7 years ago. Remember that today as you pursue your goals for 2012. Just keep stepping or "Tracking". I know that when you make 5 contacts a day, your business will grow. Remember you DESERVE success! Dreams Experiences Success Energy Rewards Value Enjoyment
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! We have had lots of family time and vacation! And I am waiting for a call from my son about a new grandchild due anytime. I am so excited and what a great way to start the year! We are on a plane to Detroit to visit a wonderful Lia Sophia team and then it is off to Mary Kay Leadership for the week in Atlanta. I am looking forward to talking to many of you at the event! I love that I can be writing to you because of wi-fi in the air! What are you doing today to meet someone new to share with? Going to the store? Going to a child's event? Picking up the phone to say Happy New Year and to do a customer service call and ask for a referral? I would love to come visit your team too in 2012!
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