Wow, just got back from a trip where I had time to spend with my Mom and Dad! My Mom was a teacher for many years and I know that she Made such a difference in my life and thousands of others too.
Motivation- Motive to take action. Are you on a Mission? I am really excited about Meeting all of you at different seminars across the country sharing my Mission. I want to help each one of you Meet new people to share your business with. Have a Marvelous week! You Matter! You can be someone's Miracle and they are just waiting for you to share your business with them!
It is L day!
Live, Laugh, Love! Listen, and Look around for people you can help Live a happier Life, Laugh a lot more and have more time for the people they Love. Having your own business will Lead to all that for you! There are so many things that you can Learn to help you when you have your own business. I Love helping people do that! Become a Leader in your company and help others Learn to Thrive and not just Survive. What do you Love about your business? What is a funny story that you have Laughed about in your business? How is your Life better because of your business?
Ok, I will start with a funny story category. I was at my hostesses house and realized I had two different color shoes on. I had found a pair I loved and bought a pair in Navy and Black. When I was about to start my presentation at the party, I looked down and noticed. I started the party by saying that sometimes I have a personal dresser just like the stars. Mine is three years old and I forgot to tell them I like to wear shoes that are the same color.
Ok, I will start with a funny story category. I was at my hostesses house and realized I had two different color shoes on. I had found a pair I loved and bought a pair in Navy and Black. When I was about to start my presentation at the party, I looked down and noticed. I started the party by saying that sometimes I have a personal dresser just like the stars. Mine is three years old and I forgot to tell them I like to wear shoes that are the same color.
It is letter K day in the attitude game.
The Key to success is to be Kind and share your business and let everyone Know about it. I am excited about a call I am doing to get people ready for the best January ever. I Know you are thinking it is not even November yet. The Key to a good January is to have the Kindred spirit when it comes to sharing. It is not too late to call in to help kindle your business fire. I want to be sure you do not fizzle and instead sizzle. Call our office at 702-673-0361 for the call in phone number and code We are doing it several times in the next couple days.
Did anyone see Dolphin Tale?
We went again and this time we took my nine year old step-son. It was really interesting to watch it again after seeing Winter at her home in Clearwater. In the picture where I am holding Winter's prosthetic tale, I have to tell you she and I connect. I am just like her when it comes to the brace I have wear. I just want to get it off sometimes just like she does the prosthetic ...tail. We both know there is not a choice and we are both out there having fun and enjoying making other people happy. You can too even if you are uncomfortable. Visit to see what Winter is doing right now. You might catch her wearing her tail. She does not have to wear it all the time now.See More

Wow! We have had an incredible week visiting many of you! I have worked with some incredible leaders and their teams this week. Thank you Gwendolyn Williams in Clearwater, FL from Mary Kay, thank you Linda Pugh Morrison in Norfolk,VA from Lia Sophia, thank you Katie Sevenants in Seattle, WA from SeneGence and Kay Johnson from Lia Sophia for inviting me to your Rally in AZ this weekend. I have been a part of so many conference calls this week too. After my call last night I know there are lot of future Directors in Pampered Chef. Way to go Diane Engle. I love working with all of your teams! Thank you for that honor and privilege!
"Energy is the essence of life. Every day
you decide how you're going to use it by
knowing what you want and what it
takes to reach that goal, and by
maintaining focus."
- Oprah
Letter I day
Happy Monday! It is letter I day for positive attitude thoughts. Inspire comes to mind. Who are you going to Inspire to become Involved in your wonderful company? It is so easy to grow a business while pursuing other Interests because you can grow it right alongside family and other activities. Are you Inviting or announcing when it comes to your business? An Invitation makes people feel special even when they say, "no thank you". Identifying your goals leads to more Involvement in building a business and not just thinking about a business. Ilene loves to help people Ignite their passion!
It is letter H day in Attitudeville!
I am so Happy you are loving the video. Message me with your email address and I will send it if you Have not seen it. There is so much Hope and Happiness you can offer to people when you share your business. Helping people feels so good! Working from the Heart means that you are never Hard at work. Do you remember playing Hide and Go Seek. It was fun looking for people who were Hiding. There are people everywhere who you can find who will be so Happy to Hear that you would love to Have them be a part of your team. Have A Happy Weekend. I am so excited that today I am going on a special date with an adorable young man-my 8 year old grandson to see the movie Dolphin Tale. Then I will be in Clearwater, FL Monday to do a seminar and will get to see Winter, the dolphin from the movie. My Grandson loved the movie and wants me to see it with him. It apparently proves that when there is will, there is a way! It sounds like the Hope that everyone had for Winter paid off!
Today is letter G day!
Goals come to mind. Goals are similar to destinations to me. It is fun planning them, and should be fun on the way to reaching them too. Give of yourself and you will Grow your business. A business is similar to a Garden. Plant the seeds and water them all. You do not know which will Grow. I am so Grateful for the blessings in my life. Having my own business like many of you Gives us so much freedom. It does mean that is important to Get up and Get Going to work too though! And I am excited that next week I am Going to Clearwater, FL, Virginia Beach, VA, Seattle , WA and Phoenix, AZ this week after Getting lots of relaxation while on our cruise. I hope I will Get to see you! Come up and say Hi. I want to greet you. Remember to Greet everyone and always make them feel special. Many of you have been to my seminar.
Why is Gum a Good reminder to share your business?
You offer gum to people on a plane or when you are with someone, even when you do not know them, whether you know they chew gum or not. It is polite to do. Some people never chew gum, some think chewing gum is obnoxious, some are not able to because of dentures,some only chew sugarless. We share it though because we do not know how they feel. It does not bother us if the other person says yes or no. We are sharing just in case they want a piece. When people do the same with their business and detach feelings about whether the person says yes or no, it is amazing what happens!
Make this a Great day!
Why is Gum a Good reminder to share your business?
You offer gum to people on a plane or when you are with someone, even when you do not know them, whether you know they chew gum or not. It is polite to do. Some people never chew gum, some think chewing gum is obnoxious, some are not able to because of dentures,some only chew sugarless. We share it though because we do not know how they feel. It does not bother us if the other person says yes or no. We are sharing just in case they want a piece. When people do the same with their business and detach feelings about whether the person says yes or no, it is amazing what happens!
Make this a Great day!
Letter F
Help people realize that their Fortune is From helping others realize that they have choices and more Freedom when they have their own business. Financial Freedom comes From Finding people who want to have a bright Future. It is Fun to watch others Follow their dreams and build their Future having Fun at the same time.
It is E day!
I am Excited to share with you a new training that we put together! As you listen and watch the video, the music will give you Energy and the training will help Everyone feel Enthusiastic when it comes to sharing a business. As you listen, imagine that you are Exercising Every sharing muscle and Enjoying it too.
It is letter D day!
Decide to be Determined to have the best week possible. Are you a Doer or more of a thinker when it comes to your business? Decisions and Determination will lead to the actions you take. Delaying and Denial when it comes to Doing something Difficult Does not make it go away. Deciding to do that Difficult thing will. After doing that something that is Difficult to Do, it also can lead to the best feeling, "I did it!" Open every Door of opportunity to make a Difference in your life and other lives. There are a lot of Dreams that will come true when you set a Deadline for that to happen. I once read that Dreams are goals without Deadlines. What dreams are you going to make come true? Yes, I am going to go on another cruise and it will be within the next year with my Determination and love of cruising!
It is C day!
Caring is the first word that comes to mind. We happen to be in Costa Rica in a Cafe. We have met so many Caring people in this Country. I am watching Children on the beach laughing and having a great time. When you Care about people you have a totally different attitude about sharing. You share your business with everyone and do not pick and Choose. You still feel good that you offered whether they are interested or not. A Challenge becomes a puzzle. You figure out how all the pieces fit. Create a successful business. Courage is within you to step out of your Comfort zone. It is Considerate when sharing your business to not pick and Choose who you share with. When you have your own business it should not be a Choice if you work but it is always a Choice when to work when you have your own business. Consistency is the key. Calling people on the phone is a way to let people know you Care, I hope you are using my Calling guide and enjoy Checking the different Categories off using the languge which will help you do a Complete Care Call.( message me with your email for more info about this book) The more you share and Care, the bigger your Check is from your company.
I am on my Mac Computer and am so thankful to Steve Jobs who Created a way that makes it so much easier to work alongside family and other activities. Thank you Steve for having the Confidence to Create tools that will be used for years and years to Come.
It letter B today!
Your attitude today can be positive when you think about all the words that Begin with B. I am looking forward to all of you sharing a word that begins with B that will lead to positive thoughts for everyone. Here are a few of mine. Today can BE the day to Begin sharing with everyone the Benefits of having a home-based Business. Think Big! Believe that it is only fair to share your Business because of the many Benefits. Wow, there are a lot of those when you have your own Business! Brighten someone's day! Do you tend to do more Busy work for your Business when being Busy can lead to more people to share with? Are you ready to take a step out of your comfort zone and prove to yourself that you can BE Brave and Blossom? To Be or not to Be! Brush off any doubts! Think about all the Blessings that you are grateful for. You are able to Bring so much joy and happiness into other's lives when you are on a mission to help everyone feel Better knowing there are so many ways you would love to help them. Become a professional sharer to Build your Business.
Cutest Giraffe picture contest
I love the picture of the giraffe Lynn posted on my FB page. It inspired me. Let's have a contest for the rest of the week. It is the Cutest Giraffe picture contest. Post your entry on my page and we will mail the winner off the cutest picture poster a really cute giraffe pin. I will coach the winner what to say when people notice it. Remember, the giraffe has the biggest heart in the animal kingdom. Work from the heart and it will never feel like you are hard at work again.
It's ABC of Attitude time on Ilene's blog
We are doing another contest. Please participate in the ABC's and each week, we will be choosing someone to receive a beautiful giraffe pin and receive a personal coaching call from me! Let's have fun. Please share this with everyone you know.
I am going to start the ABC's of attitude on FB and my blog. I believe that your thoughts are the only things that you are totally in control of, no matter what. Please join in and add your words each day to help everyone have lots of positive thoughts throughout the day. Be sure to join my blog too.
Ok, let's sing our ABC's. Next time won't you sing with me. I am blaming the sea air on my it's fun too! Pick an A word below and comment or add an A word that will help shape everyone's positive thoughts throughout the day
A-- Attitude, Altitude, Accelerate, Appreciation, Assume, Articulate, Able, All Aboard, Action, Affirmations, Adventure, Advance, Affect, Afford. What can you add?
Attitude determines your altitude! My altitude is really high because of all the appreciation I have for everyone and everything in my life!
We are doing another contest. Please participate in the ABC's and each week we will be choosing someone to receive a beautiful giraffe pin and receive a personal coaching call from me!
It is Z day with Zero shipping on all US orders today ONLY!
The first thing that comes to my mind is Zippity Do-Da-Zippity Day....... my oh my, what a wonderful day! Plenty of new people to share with coming my way! Ok, I am dating myself or we can blame it on the fresh sea air. Do you have the zest for sharing your business that results in you having a Zero leaving out policy or do you pick and choose? Can you imagine what would happen to your business with establishing a personal business policy that means you share with everyone. Take a trip to the Zoo. Visit my favorite animal. Who knows what that is and why? It is not the Zebras, although they are cute.
And since it is Z day we decided it is Zero shipping day on all US orders and 1/2 price on international orders for books and CDs. I hope you will start your sharing and caring library or add to it. Please visit cds.html or books.html
And since it is Z day we decided it is Zero shipping day on all US orders and 1/2 price on international orders for books and CDs. I hope you will start your sharing and caring library or add to it. Please visit
It is letter Y today!
You are the key to Your success. This is Your Year to make things happen. Forget Yesterday and decide today is the day to make the decision that You have something someone needs. Do You want to be the consultant who is known as the consultant who shares with everyone and is happy whether someone says Yes or no and that Your goal is to always be sure the person You are sharing with feels valued no matter what they say. Or are you the consultant that people would say, they seem to pick and choose who they share with, looking for people who they believe will say Yes to satisfy their needs, not looking for someone who needs them. Do you Yearn for success? Some people talk about the three feet rule which is really a Yard. I am sitting looking at the ocean and thinking what a great big Yard I have right now. And I did have to say Yikes today when I fell. Happy to report just a few bruises.
Can you think of someone You have never shared with that You really want to share with? Have you shared with people who are in your backYard so to speak? Did You see someone You should have shared with Yesterday?
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