
Are you willing to take 2 1/2 minutes of your day for incredible growth and success in your business?

And are you willing to be uncomfortable to become comfortable knowing you will be spending only 10 hours a month at an activity that is so important to your business, which is all about helping others by sharing your business? And sharing is done right alongside your family and other activities. Then your parties are your paydays! Are you read to do 4- 8 selling events (only 12- 24 hours a MONTH away from your family) Remember-- 8 events x 3 hours--that is commuting time for some people in a month? Even doing 12 events is 36 hours a month --less than 1 traditional 40 hour work week.


Are you willing to overcome challenges to do the things you love to do? Whether you’re on top of your game or you’re in a slump, make this week the best one yet. Make it a point to meet new people, book shows, and offer your company’s business opportunity. Push through. Get out there. Make things happen. Be the champion who lives inside your heart. I know you can and you will, once you decide that you have to!


Thoughts on Cruising To Success Training Program

Just arrived home from our weekend in the Bahamas and our INCREDIBLE "Cruising to Success" experience with Ilene Meckley! There are no words to describe this weekend ... the training, the fellowship and all the fun! Looking forward to doing it again in September but in the meantime, it's UP, UP and AWAY with my business! Thank you Ilene and Bob for an AWESOME 3 days! - Terie McOmber Hynish

Just returned from a very helpful training cruise with Ilene Meckley and friends. We had a blast and shared some great ideas. I am going to put these into my Lia Sophia business and have so many materials to listen to and or read. Thanks Ilene & Bob. - Stacy Cagle



What thoughts come to your mind when you hear the word recruiting? Are you looking for consultants and hostesses? There are people looking for ways to add additional income to their family budget. There are people who love entertaining their friends and enjoy receiving free products. Recruiting is about helping people feel wanted, cared about and valued whether they choose to say “yes” or “no” to what you are offering them. Have you ever had the experience of being recruited outside your business? How did it feel?


Apprehensions about sharing your business with others comes from anticipation that you might feel uncomfortable about their response. Instead, decide the purpose of sharing is the same as offering, “May I help you?” There is no reason to feel uncomfortable about sharing. You will always be able to help the person you are sharing with feel good about the sharing experience, when your goal is to help them feel good, whether they need your services or not. Hold yourself accountable for sharing.


"To love what you do and feel that it matters-how could anything be more fun?" Katharine Graham
Happy Valentine's Day!  I know I am so blessed to love what I do. Thank you everyone for being a part of my goals to help everyone see that "working from the heart "is so much better than being hard at work!


I believe that using the word “try” is often a form of self-deception.   Do you ever say, “I will try to contact,” instead of simply, “I will contact”?  If so, aren’t you using a little three-letter word as an excuse to fall back on if the contact isn’t successful?  Aren’t you deceiving yourself, and giving yourself permission to fail, by saying, “Well, I tried, but…”?  Saying “I can” and “I will,” conveys a much stronger commitment to achieving our goals than saying, “I will try.”  We must always be 100 percent dedicated and committed to what we can and will do. We are at best only halfway committed if we choose only to try.


I am on my way to Fargo! I am looking forward to seeing all direct sellers in the area.  I want to encourage everyone today to  ask everyone, “Have you ever thought about doing something alongside your family and other activities to earn extra income?”  When you hear either a yes or no as a response to that exact question you can say, “I would love to get together with you to share some information so you can decide if doing what I am doing could be for you too. The purpose of us getting together would be for me to answer any questions you have, give you some information so YOU can have all the information about what it could be like when you have a business that you can grow alongside your family and other activities.”


The quest for any worthwhile goal will likely involve challenges and obstacles. In growing a team, a direct seller may feel, “I don’t know enough people.” Another may question, “How will I meet people interested in my business opportunity?” Regardless of the challenge you face, identifying the concern is the first step in overcoming it. Need to meet more people? Hold more parties. Wherever you go during a typical day, there are people. Talk to everyone you meet. Some are seeking the opportunity you offer.


Are you ready to talk to 5 people today?

 It only takes 30 seconds or less.Sharing is offering and caring is being happy with whatever they say.
Remember, it is perfectly OK for people to say no thank you. It is not OK to hesitate to share because someone might say no. Ask yourself the following question, when a sharing opportunity presents itself, "If I knew this person wanted to join me as a consultant, be a hostess or host or purchase one of
my products, would I be sharing right now?"  I believe your answer would be yes. So now think, "I should be sharing with everyone in case they want to say, "yes"”.


Start your week on a mission and remember a quote from Zig Ziglar!
You can have anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want. You have something to offer others!  I know that there are people who are just waiting for you to find them.  This is LEAP year!  Are you ready to take a LEAP (Learn Everything About Promoting) yourself and business?  I love that the LEAP begins with working from the heart and the LEAP month is in February... What better month and time to start sharing with everyone!  I want to encourage you to make this the month that you decide to do what it takes for your LEAP to success. Sharing is the caring thing to do!  Being happy whether someone says yes or no is truly working from the heart!


MAC (morning after call)

Who did a party last night? Don't forget to call everyone and do a big MAC (morning after call). Say, "Thank you so much for attending last night's party. I know that some people tell me that when they get home and start to go to sleep that they have trouble getting to sleep because they are thinking, wow, we could use some extra income. Can I do what they did and start a business or they think ...I wish I had enough money to get all the other things I wanted and maybe I should have a party. Were you one of those people who had trouble getting to sleep because you had some of those same thoughts last night too. " If they said they went right to sleep, then let them know again how you appreciated the time they took from their busy day to join you. If they had trouble getting to sleep then ask more questions and help them sign up or schedule a date.


Set a goal every day for each day’s accomplishments

Set a goal every day for each day’s accomplishments. You will not know that you have arrived, if you do not know where you are going.   But don’t stop there.  Set a goal for the week, for the month, and for the year.  You may be surprised the difference it will make in your progress to achieving the success you deserve - Dreams Experiences Success Energy Rewards Value

I hope you have checked out my tracker to help you feel so good about each day.  It  can stop that feeling, "Where did my day go?"


I love the following quote: "You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers.
In every moment of our existence, we are in that field
of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices."
— Deepak Choprah

What choices will you be making today to grow your business? Not doing something is a choice too!